On Amazon having good product reviews does a lot for your brand. They build trust, instill confidence in your shoppers, and can even boost your organic rankings and overall sales.

Amazon defines a “retail-ready” product as having 15+ reviews and a minimum 3.5-star average rating. But how can freshman brands and new sellers earn those critical reviews?

Everyone knows that buying or coercing review is a recipe for disaster, but there are several strategies companies can use to generate organic reviews and build a loyal brand following.

Getting Shoppers to Leave Reviews on Amazon

There are a few things to keep in mind when getting product reviews. First, you need a call to action that will motivate the customer. Second, you have to provide them with a clear path of how to take action. And third, you have to gently remind them to write a review (because honestly, we’re all way too busy).

Here are a few established and compliant tactics you should try:

Add a reminder card to your packages or shipment boxes

Include a reminder insert that first and foremost thanks customers for their purchase. The card should also mention your call to action asking them to leave a review along with easy-to-follow steps on how to do so.

Your insert needs to be captivating and concise in order to have an impact. Make sure that you’re supporting your brand identity by having your cards professionally done. But please, don’t even think about offering a discount for a review; this can get you dinged.

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Want to really step up your CTA? Include a QR code that, when scanned, directs the shopper to your product page so they can easily leave a review.

Use a feedback and review management software

Use a trusted review software provider to set up automated email campaigns that reach back out to your shoppers after their purchase reminding them to leave a review. Not only will you get the coveted review, but you are also helping to keep the lines of communication open between you and your customers.

Much like with your insert cards, you need to capture people’s attention with the subject line, otherwise what’s the point?

Though you’re automating these emails, it’s still in your best interest to customize your email send times. You know your customers best. So if you are selling camping gear, it may make sense to wait a month following the purchase before sending a review request to help ensure that they’ve used the product.

Enroll in Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program or Vine Program

Make registering your ASINs in Amazon’s Early Reviewer Program (for Sellers) or Vine Voices Program (for Vendors) a mandatory step whenever you are launching new products.

If enrolled in the Early Reviewer Program, Amazon will reach out to shoppers after they purchased your product and offer them a small reward (i.e. $1-$3 Amazon.com Gift Card) to leave a review. Amazon’s Vine Voices Program allows vendors to submit a number of free products per ASIN for reviews from their select pool of reviewers.

Since these programs are only eligible for up to one year, make sure that Amazon shoppers are discovering your listing. The quickest way to do that? Invest in Amazon Ads to boost your sales and, in turn, raise your organic profile early on.

What Does Amazon Consider a Valuable Review

Not all reviews are created equal. Any positive review is good for a product but not all reviews carry the same weight in your star-rating average. Amazon places more weight on a review when it has the following three elements:

Verified Purchase Product Review

Amazon tags reviews as Verified Purchase if they can “verify that the person writing the review purchased the product at Amazon and didn’t receive the product at a deep discount.”

Lengthy Product Reviews

Typically reviews with five lines or more carry more weight than a shorter two line review.

User Images & Video

Amazon allows shoppers to upload images and videos when leaving a review. These reviews affect your listing more than plain reviews. A 5-star review with feature content can really boost your star-rating. Conversely, a 1-star review with an image of a broken product can greatly damage your star-rating.

If you are looking to increase your high content reviews, get creative with your messaging and help your shoppers understand exactly what you need from them. Instead of simply asking for a review try some more direct messaging:

Other Amazon shoppers appreciate your opinion on the product you bought. Will you take a minute to leave a product review? Show off your latest project and explain how our tool helped you with a short video!

The quality of our reviews matter just as much as the quantity. Strictly having more good reviews than bad ones won’t get you nearly as far on Amazon compared to high-quality positive ratings.

Need more guidance on how to boost your organic product listings on Amazon? Contact our Marketplace team today!